Toddler Group
Thursdays, 10am to 12 noon
Coffee, tea, home baking, toys, fruit, juice and biscuits
Charge for each family per session: £3, with a £5 registration at the beginning of each term, includes refreshments for adults and children.
During term-time only
This group has a waiting list. Spaces take time to become available, as they’re not given on a term-by-term basis but up until a child’s 4th birthday or when their grown-up chooses to give up the space. You are very welcome to join the current waiting list and the team will be in touch if a space becomes available. Email Mo at youthwork@wardie.org.uk to join the waiting list.
Or visit our Tuesday Drop-in Cafe!
We provide a safe, warm space for play and a limited number of toys, but good coffee/tea and home-baking for mums/carers and a chance to chat.
No charge – donations welcomed!
No need to register, but to help us plan please let us know if you would like to come, at toddlers@wardie.org.uk.