Help send a food truck to Gaza

[Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash]
Can you help?
Our friends at Edinburgh Direct Aid have linked with RBB to respond to the desperate need in Gaza, which is facing one of the worst instances of man-made deprivation of food, water and medical aid in a century.
Together, they are hoping to send a food truck into Gaza, to distribute much-needed supplies, and for this they need to raise many thousands of pounds.
Read about it here, and donate what you can: https://www.peoplesfundraising.com/fundraising/EDAI-a-food-truck-for-gaza
You also read about it on the EDA website here: https://www.edinburghdirectaid.org/Gaza/GazaFamine.htm
Christian Aid has started a regular prayer date for Gaza, on the 24th of each month. Join prayer for a just peace if you can: https://www.christianaid.org.uk/get-involved/campaigns/pray-just-peace